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Medical Critical Illness | Life

The core of insurance is and always have been about protecting not just us but our loved ones from having to suffer through financial difficulties should something unfortunate happens to us. Insurance can be dubbed as an AID – Angel In Disguise; always there whether we need or don’t need it. Insurance is normally known as the foundation for all financial planning – because once we build a strong foundation, we can continue to grow and accumulate wealth without any worry.

Medical Protection

A medical card is no stranger to the Malaysian market – it helps pay for all your medical and hospitalization bills including pre and post hospitalization, ICU related treatment, doctor’s consultation as well as outpatient kidney dialysis and cancer treatment.

With a comprehensive medical card, you get to choose which type of treatment you want without worrying much on whether the cost will take up your entire savings.

Critical Illness Protection

What happens then if you are unable to work due to sickness and there is not income?

Who is going to pay our bills, our monthly commitment or even support our living expenses?

What if we wish to seek alternative treatment that is not covered by the medical card?

Critical illness = income protection. It provides a lumpsum pay out to YOU upon diagnosis of critical illness that allows you to focus on getting better without the additional stress on how to continue taking care of you and your family even if long term recovery is needed.

Critical Illness Protection

What happens then if you are unable to work due to sickness and there is not income?

Who is going to pay our bills, our monthly commitment or even support our living expenses?

What if we wish to seek alternative treatment that is not covered by the medical card?

Critical illness = income protection. It provides a lumpsum pay out to YOU upon diagnosis of critical illness that allows you to focus on getting better without the additional stress on how to continue taking care of you and your family even if long term recovery is needed.

Life Insurance

if we have a dependent, we need life insurance. By proper planning, we are able to safeguard our loved one’s future should something unexpected happens to us.

Life insurance takes away that worry by replacing our income and helps us take care of our loved ones if we are unable to anymore. In the event that we are no longer around, life insurance helps us make sure that the people we love are provided for financially and that their once comfortable lifestyle would not be compromised due to the unexpected.

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